Smart Data with QASS – Presence at HMI and Control

April 21, 2017 by
Marco Marino

“Industry 4.0 has arrived in the minds and heads of people”, this is one of the main aspects of Hannover Messe 2017. QASS is able to provide possibilities in order to make “Industry 4.0” happen in existing factories all over the world. QASS measurement systems gain data out of processes and production machines that are hard to reach for sensors up to this point of time.

QASS is a so-called Hidden Champion, as world-market leader if it comes to crack detection during straightening of steel shafts. Now, QASS delivers new methods of analyzing production processes, for example a self-learning pattern recognition that transforms big data into smart data. Destruction-free, in-process and in real-time.

Contact-free hardness testing

QASS μmagnetic enables you to test hardness of magnetizable materials destruction-free. A highly sensitive magnetic field sensor provokes a magnetic interdependency with the material itself. A combination of spectral analysis, pattern recognition, extremely high sampling rate and a fully automated evaluation by programmable software tools analyzes this data. This makes a contact-free hardness testing of components possible – under production conditions and in real-time. By this, QASS is able to deliver repetitious accuracy under difficult measurement conditions. This is a 100% surveillance and evaluation that complements or replaces random and destructive testing.

This is how crack detection 2.0 works

Optimizer4D-CiS.02 is the new system for fully automated detection of cracks in production processes of the industry. It not only detects cracks in the very moment they occur, it also minimizes false reject rate. On a base of spectral analysis (acoustic emission), the system delivers a three-dimensional depiction of the production process.


Optimizer4D from QASS is applicable to a wide range of different production processes. It makes an automated analysis of these processes possible, for example Machining, Straightening, Welding and Wire Machinery.

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